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Anderson Obtained Chinese Nationality And Will Play For His Adopted Country At The Upcoming Tournament

US-born NBA player Kyle Anderson to represent China at FIBA World Cup

Anderson obtained Chinese nationality and will play for his adopted country at the upcoming tournament.

Anderson, who was born in New York City, has played for the Memphis Grizzlies, San Antonio Spurs, and Minnesota Timberwolves in the NBA. He is a 6'9" forward who is known for his versatility and defensive ability.

Anderson's decision to play for China is a significant development for the Chinese national team. China is hoping to make a deep run in the FIBA World Cup, which will be held in the Philippines, Japan, and Indonesia from August 25 to September 10.

Anderson is not the first US-born player to represent China at the FIBA World Cup. In 2019, Jeremy Lin played for China at the tournament in China. Lin is a 6'3" point guard who was born in California and played college basketball at Harvard. He is a two-time NBA All-Star and has played for the Golden State Warriors, New York Knicks, Houston Rockets, Los Angeles Lakers, Atlanta Hawks, Brooklyn Nets, and Toronto Raptors.

Anderson's decision to play for China is a sign of the growing popularity of basketball in China. The country has a long and rich history of basketball, and the sport is now one of the most popular in the country. The Chinese national team is one of the top teams in the world, and they are hoping to make a deep run in the FIBA World Cup.
